67.31p0.46p (0.0068%)306 Sep 2024
Last Price67.31pDay Change0.46p (0.0068%)
Price Date06 Sep 2024Morningstar Rating3
Shares ClassIncYield6.35%
Last Ex-Dividend Date2020-01-01Dividend Frequency-
SectorGlobal Emerging market Bond - Local CurrencyFund Size0.00
Launch Date2020-01-01Standard Initial Charge0.00%
Ongoing cost1.73%Annual Management Charge0.00%

Fund Objective

The Fund aims to provide income and capital growth over at least 5 years. The Fund invests primarily (at least two-thirds) in bonds (or similar debt-based assets) issued by emerging market borrowers or borrowers who have significant economic exposure to emerging markets (countries that have less developed economies) and in related derivatives (financial contracts whose value is linked to the price of such bonds (or similar debt-based assets)).

Fund Managers

Ninety One Fund Managers UK Limited