282.20p0.40p (0.0014%)417 Sep 2024
Last Price282.20pDay Change0.40p (0.0014%)
Price Date17 Sep 2024Morningstar Rating4
Shares ClassAccYield1.66%
Last Ex-Dividend Date2020-01-01Dividend Frequency-
SectorVolatility ManagedFund Size0.00
Launch Date2020-01-01Standard Initial Charge0.00%
Ongoing cost0.62%Annual Management Charge0.00%

Fund Objective

The Fund’s objective is to provide a combination of capital growth and income over a 5+ year time horizon. The Fund is managed with the aim of staying within a risk profile classification of 6 as set and monitored by an external third party risk rating company. The Fund is actively managed. It aims to achieve its objectives by obtaining exposure globally to: shares in companies; and bonds issued by companies, governments, government bodies and supranationals. There are no set limits on the Fund’s exposure to either shares or bonds, but it is expected that the Fund will typically have exposure of at least 70% to shares and bonds combined.

Fund Managers

Santander Asset Management UK Limited