155.56p-1.11p (-0.0071%)313 Jan 2025
Last Price155.56pDay Change-1.11p (-0.0071%)
Price Date13 Jan 2025Morningstar Rating3
Shares ClassAccYield2.26%
Last Ex-Dividend Date2020-01-01Dividend Frequency-
SectorFlexible InvestmentFund Size0.00
Launch Date2020-01-01Standard Initial Charge0.00%
Ongoing cost0.31%Annual Management Charge0.00%

Fund Objective

The investment objective of the fund is to achieve long term capital growth with a focus on having exposure (often indirect) to global equities, including higher risk equities such as emerging markets, small cap and technology, with minimal holdings or exposure to defensive assets such as cash, fixed interest securities, money-market funds and collective investment schemes following alternative strategies such as property and commodities. This is to keep the Fund within a predetermined risk profile. The Fund will seek to achieve its objective (and so provide exposure to the asset classes noted in the objective) by investing predominantly (80%+), in index-tracking investments or strategies and which typically consist of collective investment schemes (including those managed or operated by the ACD) as well as equities, bonds and transferable securities.

Fund Managers

Valu-Trac Investment Management Limited