The Shares Team

Editor: Tom Sieber

Tom has been the Editor of the magazine since November 2023 and has been a journalist for the past 17 years.

He has an interest in politics and economics that can be traced back to trip to UN headquarters in New York as a UN Young Ambassador at 16.

History degree from Bristol University, post graduate diploma in print journalism from University of Central Lancashire.

Read Tom's articles | @SharesMagTom

News Editor: Steven Frazer

At Shares, Steven writes about technology, electronics, telecoms and more from an investment angle, as well as US-focused funds and investment trusts. Steven also manages the news content on Shares' website. He has over 20 years experience in the industry.

Steven studied quantum mechanics and was baffled, so according to Niels Bohr, he says he must be on the right track. Outside of work, Steve is a qualified Diver Master, Spurs obsessive and Ska music fan.

Awards & Achievements
He beat off competition from writers at the BBC, Financial Times, The Times and The Guardian to win the PwC UK Tech Journalist of the Year award in 2013. Twice nominated Tyto PR Tech #500 Influencer.

Read Steven's articles | @SharesMagSteve

Companies Editor: Ian Conway

Ian specialises in the banking, insurance, support services, industrial transport, housebuilding, construction and property sectors. He also writes general investment articles and is very knowledgeable on investment books.

Ian has spent five years as a journalist, but significantly more in the investment industry and is a former partner of a UK stockbroking firm, an analyst and an quantitative strategist.

Ian likes old vehicles and used to race and rally historic sports cars. He also enjoys music, food and wine.

BA Joint Hons, Southampton University

Read Ian's articles | @SharesMagIan

Funds & Investment Trusts Editor: James Crux

James writes extensively about funds and investment trusts, as well as specialising in the retail, food and beverage sectors. He has spent 22 years working in the industry.

James Crux has been with Shares since 2011, having previously been the editor of Growth Company Investor and a writer for investment and business titles What Investment and Business XL.

James supports West Ham and is a big fan of The Sopranos.

BA Hons, History & Politics

Read James's articles | @SharesMagJames

Education Editor: Martin Gamble

Martin oversees the education content on the website and in the magazine, while also specialising in the leisure and pharmaceutical sectors and fixed income coverage. He has spent four years in journalism, and 35 years in finance generally.

Martin managed long-only equity funds for large institutions including Hermes, was CIO of a hedge fund, and was CEO of RBC Asset Management (London).

While managing a hedge fund for a family office, one of his clients was a senior member of the Royal Family who was a regular visitor. Outside of work, Martin enjoys reading financial history, traveling and backgammon.

Accounting degree, Kent University

Awards & Achievements
Stars of Excellence Corporate Award, Manulife 1998

Read Martin's articles | @chilligg

Investment Writer: Sabuhi Gard

Sabuhi writes about a broad range of investment topics including exchange-traded funds. She specialises in the media, travel, leisure, chemicals and tobacco sectors with over 20 years experience.

Sabuhi used to write a column for the Spectator money blog about personal finance/money matters. She was a preliminary judge for the Telegraph NatWest 100 Female Entrepreneurs to Watch for 2022 and commercial business, finance and tech editor for The Telegraph.

Outside of work, Sabuhi likes creative writing, going to gigs and cooking Chinese and Thai food.

BA Hons, Classical Studies, King’s College, London

Awards & Achievements
Shortlisted Business Journalist of the Year Santander Media Awards (2008)

Read Sabuhi's articles | @sabuhi_gard