Shares Investor Evening (London) - LIVE EVENT

Aurora Investment Trust, Custodian Property Income REIT, Schroder British Opportunities Trust, Yellow Cake

Join Shares and AJ Bell for an evening of investment inspiration and get to meet the decision-makers.

The event on Tuesday 30 May in London will include:

  • An opportunity for you to talk directly with the directors and ask your questions about the companies core strengths and their short and long-term business strategy

  • Meet fellow investors and share your investing experience

  • Complimentary drinks and snacks

More about the companies presenting:

Aurora Investment Trust (ARR) aims to be long-term value investors, known for the depth of their research. The Trust runs a concentrated portfolio, typically holding between just 12 and 20 investments, predominantly listed in London.

Custodian Property Income REIT (CREI) offers investors the opportunity to access a diversified portfolio of UK commercial real estate through a closed-ended fund that seeks to provide an attractive level of income and the potential for capital growth.

Schroder British Opportunities Trust (SBO) offers a differentiated public and private investment strategy providing growth equity capital to fast growing UK business.

Yellow Cake (YCA) is a specialist company operating in the uranium sector. The principal activity of the company is to invest in uranium projects.

Who Should Attend

The evening is a perfect opportunity for existing shareholders or potential investors to hear from the directors running the companies to explain their strategy and opportunity for investors and meet them over drinks after their presentations.

Evening timings


Registration and coffee



Andre Liebenberg, Executive Director & CEO - Yellow Cake (YCA)

Uzo Ekwue, Schroder British Opportunities Investment Team and UK Equities Fund Manager - Schroder British Opportunities Trust (SBO)

Richard Shepherd-Cross, Investment Manager - Custodian Property Income REIT (CREI)

Rory Bateman, Co-Portfolio Manager - Schroder British Opportunities Trust (SBO)

Daniel Carter, Research Analyst - Aurora Investment Trust (ARR)


Drinks reception and refreshments




Sponsored by

AJ Bell

Featured Companies

Aurora Investment Trust
Custodian Property Income REIT
Schroder British Opportunities Trust
Yellow Cake