Quick Stats

Last Price £1.14 Day Change -£0.00 (-0.0009%)
Price Date 26 Jul 2024 Morningstar Rating 3
Shares Class Inc Yield 3.47 %
Last Ex-Dividend Date 01 January 2020 Dividend Frequency -
Sector £ Corporate Bond Fund Size 0.00
Launch Date 01/01/2020 Standard Initial Charge 0.00%
Ongoing cost 0.50% Annual Management Charge 0.00%

Fund Objective

To achieve a return based on a combination of income and capital growth by investing at least 80% of the Fund’s assets in investment grade Sterling denominated bonds (or other bonds hedged back to Sterling), using derivatives where appropriate. At least 80% of assets invested, either directly or through derivatives, in investment grade corporate issues denominated in Sterling or hedged back to Sterling.

Fund Managers

JPMorgan Funds Limited