Quick Stats

Last Price 270.17p Day Change -1.77p (-0.0066%)
Price Date 26 Jul 2024 Morningstar Rating 3
Shares Class Acc Yield 0.00 %
Last Ex-Dividend Date 01 January 2020 Dividend Frequency -
Sector Global Fund Size 0.00
Launch Date 01/01/2020 Standard Initial Charge 0.00%
Ongoing cost 1.68% Annual Management Charge 0.00%

Fund Objective

The aim of the Fund is to achieve capital growth over five years. The Fund focuses on the opportunities created by the transition to healthy, zero carbon and sustainable economies. The investment team selects high-quality companies from nine broad themes with strong growth characteristics to create a globally diversified portfolio. We develop long-term relationships with company managements to promote the best environmental, social and economic outcomes.

Fund Managers

WHEB Asset Management LLP