Quick Stats

Last Price £1.69 Day Change £ (0.0000%)
Price Date 26 Jul 2024 Morningstar Rating
Shares Class Inc Yield 1.01 %
Last Ex-Dividend Date 01 January 2020 Dividend Frequency -
Sector Global Fund Size 0.00
Launch Date 01/01/2020 Standard Initial Charge 0.00%
Ongoing cost 0.68% Annual Management Charge 0.00%

Fund Objective

The Sub-Fund aims to provide a total return (the combination of capital growth and income) over the long-term (defined as any rolling period of 5 years) and is managed in line with CCLA’s approach to investing for a better world as outlined in CCLA’s Better World Policy. The Sub-Fund aims to achieve its investment objective by investing typically at least 80% of its assets (directly or indirectly) in shares of companies (also known as equities) from around the world. The Sub-Fund will typically generally invest directly in such shares. The Sub-Fund will normally have significant allocations to developed markets but may also invest in emerging markets (as defined by MSCI for the purposes of its Developed Markets Indexes).

Fund Managers

CCLA Investment Management Ltd