Quick Stats

Last Price $64.04 Day Change $0.07 (0.1036%)
Price Date 26 Jul 2024 Morningstar Rating
Shares Class Acc Yield 0.00 %
Last Ex-Dividend Date 01 January 2020 Dividend Frequency -
Sector Fund Size 0.00
Launch Date 01/01/2020 Standard Initial Charge 0.00%
Ongoing cost 1.75% Annual Management Charge 0.00%
ISIN IE0031814969

Fund Objective

The Fund invests primarily (at least 70% of its Net Asset Value) in equity securities or equity-related securities of companies that are, at the time of investment, listed, or have their registered offices in, or conduct a majority of their economic activity in member countries of ASEAN.

Fund Managers

First Sentier Investors (Ireland) Limited