Source - LSE Regulatory
RNS Number : 7972Z
Great Western Mining Corp. plc
18 May 2023


("Great Western" or the "Company")




Great Western Mining Corporation PLC (AIM - GWMO, Euronext Growth - 8GW), which is exploring and developing multiple early-stage gold, silver and copper targets in Nevada, USA, announces its results for the year ended 31 December 2022.  The Company is in the exploration, appraisal and development phase and currently has no revenues.


Financial Highlights:


·           Loss for year €792,263 (2021: loss of €535,960)

·           Basic and diluted loss per share 0.0002 (cent): (2021: 0.001 cent)

·           Net assets at year-end: €8.6 million (2021: €8.9 million)

·           Cash at 31 December 2022: €0.15 million (2021: €2.0 million)


Operational Highlights


·      Formed a joint venture for construction of a mill to process precious metals from shallow ore and a large inventory of pre-mined material

·      Constructed a 14 km road to the high-altitude Mineral Jackpot properties, providing access to spoil material and drilling locations

·      Conducted reverse circulation ("RC") drill programme on several prospects:

establishing an extension to the gold vein at the historic OMCO Mine

Intercepting high grades of shallow depth silver at Mineral Jackpot

revealing the longest zone of consistently anomalous gold yet identified at Trafalgar Hill

·      Conducted drone magnetometry and orthophotography over Huntoon and Tun prospects

·      Commissioned an independent resource estimate of tailings available for processing at the OMCO mine site - Inferred JORC Resource Estimate 31,000 tonnes grading 1.6 grams/ton gold


Post Period End:


·           Raised £800,000 (€913,242) before expenses through placing of new shares

·           Filed a permit application for operation of the processing mill

·           Commenced construction at the mill site

·           Tested the concept of diamond core drilling at the OMCO Mine prospect

·           Modelled the potential of a significant copper prospect beyond the JORC-compliant Indicated and Inferred resource at M2


Great Western Executive Chairman Brian Hall commented: "2022 was a period of intense activity for the Company, during which we not only accelerated a fruitful exploration programme including drilling on three of our prospects but also created a processing joint venture from scratch for production of precious metals.  The mill is now under construction and due to be processing material from Mineral Jackpot and the OMCO Mine this year.  We have an exciting inventory of prospects for copper, gold and silver that continue to provide increasing levels of upside, while first revenues from production will significantly change our profile and further prove our value proposition."


For further information:


Great Western Mining Corporation PLC

Brian Hall, Executive Chairman

+44 207 933 8780

Max Williams, Finance Director

+44 207 933 8780

Davy (NOMAD, Euronext Growth Listing Sponsor & Joint Broker)

Brian Garrahy/Lauren O'Sullivan


+353 1 679 6363

SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP (Joint Broker)

Ewan Leggat/Harry Davies-Ball


+44 203 470 0470

Walbrook PR (PR advisers)

Nick Rome


+44 207 933 8783





Executive Chairman's Statement

For the year ended 31 December 2022



Dear Shareholder,


Set out herewith are Great Western Corporation PLC's Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2022.


Great Western explores for, appraises and develops mineral resources on its claims in the state of Nevada, USA and currently has no revenues from its operations.  Accordingly, it is reporting a loss for the financial year of €792,293 for 2022 (2021: €535,960).  At the end of the year Great Western's net current assets were €8,618,024 (2021: €8,945,631) with no debt apart from trade creditors in the normal course of business.


2022 was an active year for Great Western during which significant goals were accomplished. 


Early in the year we constructed a 14 km road to the high-altitude Mineral Jackpot Group of properties, enabling access for rigs, trucks and associated equipment.  Until then, access to the five historic gold and silver mines which make up Mineral Jackpot had been by a mule path, suitable only for quad bikes and very small tracked-vehicles.  This road now provides access to numerous spoil heaps which we propose to exploit for secondary recovery of precious metals and it also allowed us to bring in a rig and drill four holes last summer, the first ever drilled in these historic mines.  Significantly, hole MJRC004 intercepted high grades of silver at a shallow depth and further drilling is planned to delineate a shallow vein which, if successful, could provide ore suitable for processing in a relatively short time.


During the year, our plans for constructing a mill to produce gold and silver concentrates took a major step forward when we signed a 50-50 joint venture agreement with Muletown Enterprizes LLC ("Muletown") to construct a mill on land owned by Muletown in the settlement of Mina, close to a main highway and mid-way between our two main claim areas.  There has been a mill on this site in the past and it has a natural slope which is ideal for gravity separation.  A second phase will involve a contained chemical leaching process for further recovery of gold and silver.  Muletown will provide the land at a peppercorn rent and virtually all the milling equipment will come from its own inventory.  Great Western will fund site construction, upgrade and modification of equipment and installation and commissioning of the plant.  The mill will operate as a profit centre in its own right and each partner will batch-process its own material with no commingling, paying a throughput charge to the joint venture.  Great Western has spoil material for processing available at Mineral Jackpot and Olympic Gold, as well as significant tailings and a large unprocessed stockpile at Olympic Gold.  It is likely that the joint venture will subsequently buy in material from third parties as there is no other mill of this type serving the area.  Part of the new capital raised by the Company since the year end is being used for construction of the mill, delayed by severe weather conditions and an extended winter but now under way.


Before the year-end, our work on processing gold and silver from tailings and spoil heaps was further supported by a JORC-compliant inferred resource report, commissioned for the OMCO Mine tailings, together with Exploration Targets for other material at both Olympic Gold and at Mineral Jackpot, further details of which are set out in the Operations Report on page 6.


During spring and summer 2022, we conducted a reverse circulation ("RC") drill programme on several of our prospects.  In addition to success at Mineral Jackpot, we carried out follow-up drilling at Rock House (Southern Alteration Zone), Trafalgar Hill and the OMCO Mine (the latter two both at Olympic Gold).  At Trafalgar Hill and Rock House, we were attempting to establish vein continuity from the gold intercepts encountered in 2021 but we have yet to achieve this and more work is needed.  Our drilling close to the OMCO Mine was much more successful and we believe that we have encountered an extension to the OMCO Mine vein itself which is an exciting development.  The OMCO Mine produced gold at high grades for several decades until the 1940s and operations terminated where the vein met a fault.  Although the fault is clearly present, it is a complex piece of fragmented geology and finding a continuation of the vein, on either side of the fault, presents a challenge which we are working hard to overcome.  In this regard the successful hole drilled last year may be considered a breakthrough.   While the OMCO Mine produced gold at high grades, the mined vein itself is only about 200 metres long.  Within the envelope we have been drilling, there is easily scope for one or two more productive veins of that size and our task is to find them if they exist.


Due to Nevada winter conditions, there is a close period when operations are not feasible.  At Great Western, we use this winter period for desktop work and over the past winter we greatly increased our knowledge, not only for gold and silver but also for the prospectivity of our copper assets which have been parked over the last three years but not forgotten.


Since the year-end, we have (1) raised new capital of £800,000 (€913,242) before expenses, our first funding for nearly two years (2) drilled a diamond core follow-up hole at the OMCO Mine prospect (3) filed a final permit application for the construction of the processing mill with the Nevada Department of Environmental Protection (NDEP)  after prior consultation with NDEP on the critical issues and (4) began construction at the mill site.


For our reported 2022 financial statements, we are pleased to welcome PKF O'Connor, Leddy & Holmes Limited as auditors to the company, who replace KPMG.  PKF's appointment will be put to shareholders for approval at the forthcoming AGM.  We have enjoyed excellent working relations with KPMG over several years and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their services.


Looking ahead, Great Western has three arms to its business: 


Firstly, the process mill which is due to be online in 2023 and producing the Company's first ever revenues from the sale of gold and silver concentrates.  This will be an ongoing business which should also attract material for processing from third party sources in due course.  Until we have commissioned the plant and gained some operating experience, we do not propose to publish any revenue forecasts, but the objective of the mill is to provide revenues which, at a first stage, will fund the day-to-day operations of the company, while aiming for a greatly expanded business model. Each joint venture partner will have its own material batch-processed separately through the mill, so participation in the joint venture will not result in any dilution in ownership of material from the Company's own claims.


Secondly, we are aiming to develop a commercial gold and silver play from one or more of the numerous prospects which we have identified and drilled up in the last few work seasons.   The leading candidates are (1) extensions to the vein at the OMCO Mine and (2) the shallow silver intercept encountered at Mineral Jackpot.  We are also exploring other gold and silver prospects, with ongoing work at Trafalgar Hill and Rock House, so priorities may change.


Finally, recent modelling work by the Company indicates that we may have a significant copper prospect on our claims beyond our JORC-compliant indicated and inferred resource.  Through extensive drilling, we have already established a resource of 4.28 million tonnes at a grade of 0.45% copper on our M2 claims in the Black Mountains group.  This discovery trends in a NE-SW axis, open at both ends, but there is also scope for an additional, undrilled resource within the area of resources already identified. Copper is likely to become a significant industrial material in the years ahead and our copper prospects merit further drilling.  Establishing a resource two to three or four times larger than already identified would, on a rule of thumb basis, be large enough for a commercial development but doing justice to this prospect will require funding beyond Great Western's current capabilities.   Therefore, funding options comprising the introduction of a joint venture partner, be it a direct investor at the project level or an industry partner, are being actively evaluated.


Shareholders should note that Canada's highly reputed Fraser Institute has recently published the results of a worldwide industry survey which concludes that the state of Nevada is the most attractive jurisdiction in the world for mining investment.


In closing, on behalf of the Great Western team, I would like to thank you, our shareholders, for your support and particularly those shareholders who have been taking an active interest in our projects.  We will keep you informed on progress and hope to welcome you to the AGM in Dublin at 10 a.m. on 13 June 2023.


Yours sincerely,


Brian Hall

Executive Chairman



Operations Report

For the year ended 31 December 2022


Principal activities, strategy and business model

The principal activity of Great Western is to explore for and develop gold, silver, copper and other minerals. The Board aims to increase shareholder value by the systematic evaluation and exploitation of its existing assets in Mineral County, Nevada, USA and elsewhere as may become applicable.


Great Western's near-term objective is to develop small-scale, short lead-time gold and silver projects which can potentially be brought into production under the control of the Group. These projects include both in situ mineralisation and waste reprocessing opportunities. Great Western has entered into a joint venture with a local partner to enable near-term production.


The Group is also focused on progressing the copper projects which it has already identified and enhanced through extensive drilling. Such projects have potential for the discovery of large mineralised systems which can be monetised over the longer term, possibly through joint ventures with third parties.


Business development and performance

During the twelve months ended 31 December 2022, Great Western carried out exploration across its entire portfolio of seven claim groups (six of which are 100% owned, one of which is held under an option agreement) in Nevada.


As part of the annual claim renewal procedure, the Group renewed all its claims with effect from 1 September 2022. Following renewal, the land position held by Great Western in Mineral County consists of 741 full and fractional unpatented claims, covering a total land area of approximately 61km².


Review by Claim Group



In 2020, the Company acquired an option to purchase the Olympic Gold Project, a group of 48 claims, located approximately 50 miles from Great Western's original concessions but still within Mineral County. The purchase consideration of $150,000 is spread over four years during which time Great Western has full rights to all data and to conduct exploration and appraisal work.  Great Western may elect to bring forward the closing of the purchase by early-paying the schedule in full or it may exit the project at any time without penalty and without completing the payment schedule. Work is in progress on several potential prospects over this 800-acre site.


The Olympic Gold Project lies on the northern flanks of the Cedar Mountain Range, on the eastern edge of Mineral County. It lies within the Walker Lane Fault Belt, at the intersection of two major mineral trends - the Rawhide-Paradise Peak trend and the Aurora-Round Mountain Trend. The mineral deposit style at Olympic is low-sulphidation epithermal banded quartz-gold vein. Historic production from the former Olympic Gold Mine totalled approximately 35,000 tonnes, at a grade of 25 grams/ton gold and 30 grams/ton silver, in the interwar period of 1918 to 1939. Based on its review of the historical data, Great Western believes that faulted offsets of the high-grade Olympic Vein remain to be discovered in the area and this forms one of the numerous target zones on the prospect.


During 2022 several targets at Olympic were addressed with reverse circulation ("RC") drilling near to the OMCO mine site and at the Trafalgar Hill prospect. In addition to the drilling, a drone orthophotography survey was flown to produce a precise digital topographic model, and bulk surface and auger samples were taken from various mine waste stores at the OMCO mine site.


Drilling around the OMCO mine site was focused on possible unmined continuations of the vein on the west side of the fault.  This proved successful, as hole OMRC015 intercepted compatible vein material, proving up a continuation of the OMCO vein.  OMCR0015 intercepted 6.10 metres grading at 2.682 grams/ton Au average starting at 38.10 metres in the hole, including 8.110 grams/ton Au over 1.52 metres from 39.62 metres and 1.747 grams/ton Au over 1.52 metres from 41.15 metres. Pursuing this vein will be a primary objective of the next drill campaign.


Three holes were drilled at Trafalgar Hill on the Olympic claims. These holes, with an aggregate length of 436 metres, were targeted at the shallower zone identified as prospective via positive results in 2021, in the southern part of the Trafalgar Hill zone. The Company has developed a geological model based on the 2021 drilling and was able to predict the lithology and alteration features intersected in the three holes with great accuracy. Though intercepts identical in character to high-grade zones from 2021 occurred at the anticipated positions, only low-grade gold was intercepted this year. The best result at Trafalgar Hill was 21.33 m at 0.107 grams/ton Au starting at 83.82 m in hole OMRC013 (including 10.67 m at 0.127 grams/ton Au starting at 94.49 m). This is the longest zone of consistently anomalous gold yet intersected at Trafalgar Hill, and occurs in the southwestern-most hole drilled, indicating the system continues and is open in this direction.


Black Mountain

The Black Mountain Group ("BM") lies on a southwest trending spur ridge of the Excelsior Range of mountains and comprises 249 full and fractional claims covering approximately 20.7km². The BM group contains both Great Western's copper resource at M2 (covered under Copper Projects below) and the Mineral Jackpot prospect, where outcropping veins, vein workings and spoil heaps contain high-grade gold and silver.


Although the five historic mines making up Mineral Jackpot produced gold and silver for some years before and after the turn of the 19th-20th century, access had only been by mule track and until this year none of the prospects had ever been drilled.  Great Western has carried out soil surveys over the last three years, collected rock chip samples and conducted magnetometry surveys, on foot where possible and by specialist drones in the less accessible areas.  A new 14 km road was constructed during the reporting period, with the dual objectives of providing access for a drill rig and a route for offloading numerous spoil heaps of mining waste for secondary recovery of gold and silver.


Four holes were drilled at Mineral Jackpot in 2022.  One hole, MJRC004, intercepted a 7.62 metre zone from 4.57 metres in the hole, grading at 180.94 grams/ton Ag and 0.315 grams/ton Au, contained within which was a high-grade silver zone hosted in quartz vein of 3.04 metres apparent thickness at 418.00 grams/ton Ag and 0.554 grams/ton Au, starting at 6.10 meters drilled depth. There is scope for extensive further drilling at various targets on the Mineral Jackpot claims, but the immediate focus is likely to be on shallow drilling with a small rig in the vicinity of the recent discovery.


Rock House

The M7 gold-silver prospect lies within the Rock House (RH) group of claims. This area is accessible and lends itself to mining operations but was never mined in the past, its potential having only recently been identified through the interpretation of satellite imagery. It is a circular structure associated with a magnetic low, adjacent to the prolific Golconda thrust fault. The area is characterised by intense argillic and sericite alteration, along with silicification and oxidation, within basement siltstones and slates. Unlike many of Great Western's other prospects, the RH targets were virgin territory until drilled by the Company in 2021. While past workings represent an important guide for exploration, a lack of any previous workings does not rule out any mineralisation. Indeed, any discovery made in such ground will have the benefit of being entirely intact as its highest-grade and nearest-surface portions will not have been removed by previous mining operations.


The Southern Alteration Zone was first drilled by Great Western in 2021, having been identified along with other prospects at Rock House through satellite imagery and then extensive soil and rock chip sampling.  In 2021, two holes intersected vein material grading approximately 8 grams/ton Au and 2 grams/ton Au respectively.  Ambitious step out drilling this year aimed to find a coalescing of several thin veins, but this was not achieved.  However, assay results provided evidence of copper (see Copper Projects section below for more details) which had not been anticipated and drilling has constructively added to knowledge of the prospects which will be used in designing future drilling activity.



A total of 107 full and 12 fractional claims surround the workings of the historic underground Huntoon gold mine and are prospective for gold, silver and copper mineralisation.  The claims are located on the northwest side of the Huntoon Valley, covering approximately 10km2


In 2022 drone magnetometry and orthophotography were conducted over Huntoon. For additional details on Huntoon, please see the Copper Projects section below. 


Jack Springs

The M5 gold prospect lies within the JS Group in altered siliceous host rock, exposed beneath Tertiary volcaniclastics for 1km. Gold, arsenic and antimony were all anomalous in samples taken along a northeasterly crest of the central ridge at M5 and the coincidence of anomalous pathfinder geochemistry and altered sediments strongly suggests the presence of sediment hosted disseminated gold mineralisation.


The M4 Copper-Gold project also lies within the JS Group. The M4 copper target was identified through geophysical surveys, soil sampling and mapping of mineralised structures on surface. Great Western believes that the breccia vein intercepted in hole M4_05, along with other veins mapped at surface, could be offshoot structures in the roof of a buried sulphide orebody. In 2019 the Group received a drill permit to follow up on the exciting discovery in hole M4_05. The abundance of highly prospective targets in the Company's portfolio, combined with rig availability issues, led to the JS projects being deferred during recent years.


In 2022 drone magnetometry and orthophotography were conducted over Huntoon. Field visits and sampling were undertaken around the M4 prospect (see Copper Projects section below for more details).


Eastside Mine

The M8 copper prospect lies within the Eastside Mine (EM) claim group, named for the historic Eastside Mine where high-grade copper-oxide ore was mined from shallow underground workings during the First World War. Conoco investigated Eastside as a copper porphyry prospect in the early 1970s, identifying mineralisation consisting of substantial copper and molybdenum values, within a northeast trending graben structure. Drilling by Conoco at the southern end of this structure identified thick successions of alteration together with copper enrichment.  Conoco did not follow up on these results. The Company regards the northerly continuation of this structure to be a strong target for buried copper mineralisation, which remains untested.


During 2021 an induced polarization (IP) survey was performed at EM Group and the results were highly encouraging. The key findings of this work were fault zones accompanied by high resistivity and chargeability features, correlating with observed surface stockwork veining, silicification, copper mineralisation and copper soil halos.


A field reconnaissance visit was made to Eastside early in the year but due to the Company's precious metal focus, and the range of other highly prospective projects, no further action was taken there in 2022. The next task at Eastside will be to drill at targets identified during the 2021 IP survey.



The M6 gold-silver prospect lies within the Tun Group. The M6 prospect is a parallel system of multiple, oxide and sulphide, gold-silver veins and veinlet stockworks. Supergene, high-grade ores have been mined in the past at M6 and the potential remains for deposits of shallow, oxidised stockworks in the immediate vicinity of the historic workings.


In 2022 drone magnetometry and orthophotography were conducted over Tun and a field reconnaissance visit was made early in the year.


Planned Processing Operations

Over the last two years, Great Western has been researching the optimum means of processing mining waste for recovery of gold and silver.  Originally this was planned to be a simple gravity separation process for spoil material from Mineral Jackpot, where there are 51 known spoil heaps.  The concept was expanded once work began in earnest on the newly acquired Olympic Gold Project option in 2021, where extensive tailings, spoil heaps and a stockpile of material had been mined but never processed.  During the period the Company concluded a way forward and has now signed a 50-50 joint venture agreement with Muletown Enterprizes LLC, a Nevada based contractor, to construct a processing mill on private land owned by Muletown.  The joint venture company will be known as Western Milling LLC.


Early in the year a second phase of auger drilling was conducted on the OMCO tailings pad, to test the depth and continuity of grade there. This work also provided a bulk sample for metallurgical test work, including cutting edge QEMSCAN grain and mineral mapping, which was conducted at a laboratory in Reno. This work confirmed the viability of the tailings for reprocessing.


Great Western has engaged the services of an extensively experienced consulting metallurgist, who in 2021 wrote a report on the Mineral Jackpot test work. This consultant oversaw the metallurgical test work on the Olympic Tailings samples conducted in 2022 and visited Nevada to engage with our venture partners and visit the proposed plant site.


In the last quarter of 2022, Great Western commissioned a new resource estimate of its mine waste material. This resulted in an Inferred Resource and several Exploration Targets, all reported in accordance with JORC, as follows:

·      An Inferred Resource of 31,000 tonnes, grading 1.6 grams/ton Au and 3.0 grams/ton Ag in tailings at Olympic Mine.

·      An Exploration Target of 3,400 - 6,400 tonnes grading between 0.5 and 1.2 grams/ton Au and 1.2 and 2.1 grams/ton Ag in the substrate beneath the tailings volume at the Olympic Mine.

·      An Exploration Target of 9,000 - 12,000 tonnes grading between 0.9 and 2.4 grams/ton Au and 2.0 and 5.1 grams/ton Ag in a coarse stockpile at Olympic Mine.

·      An Exploration Target of 4,200 - 7,700 tonnes grading between 40 and 140 grams/ton Ag and 0.3 and 0.3 grams/ton Au in spoil heaps at Mineral Jackpot.


Overview of Copper Projects

In addition to its gold and silver operations, Great Western has already drilled and established a partly inferred, partly indicated copper resource of 4.3 million tonnes at a grade of 0.45% at its M2 project in the Black Mountains group.  This was a considerable achievement, with the potential to lead to the discovery of a much larger copper resource.  Great Western believes there is untested potential in both directions along strike, on a structure of up to 5 km, supported by historical mine workings to the northeast, and an IP anomaly to the southwest.


Great Western's copper resource at the M2 project is complemented by copper potential on other claim groups:


·      At M4 in Jack Springs claim group, approximately 4 km from the M2 resource, the company has previously identified copper in drill intercepts (21.18 m at 0.35% Cu starting at 106.22 m in hole M2_005, including 5.64 m at 0.48% Cu and 0.105 grams/ton Au starting at 106.22 m). During 2022, surface showings in two existing hill-cut trenches were mapped and continuously chip sampled, resulting in two 16 m zones at 0.2% and 0.28% Cu respectively. These surface results are separated from the drill intercept by around 140 m in 3D space, but whether they represent the same structure is not yet understood.

·      At Huntoon, situated 7 km west of M4, and 10 km southwest of M2, is another key copper prospect at which the Company, in the past, drilled a single hole which assayed at 0.35% Cu over 27.4 metres. Huntoon also contains a sizable copper anomaly in soils associated with a shear zone, which has a clear magnetic signature identified on drone magnetometry conducted in early 2022.  Post mineralisation tertiary lavas obscure both the geochemical anomaly and the southwestern continuation of the linear anomaly associated with the shear zone.

·      As referenced above, drilling at Rock House during the period beneath a surface gossan identified an underlying intercept of anomalous copper grades (12.19 m at 0.20 % Cu from 28.96 m in hole RHRC010, including 3.05 M @ 0.31% Cu from 36.58 m).  This is the first intercept of elevated copper at Rock House and was not the target for this drilling.  The copper zone remains open to the west and at depth.

·      An IP survey was conducted over the Eastside Mine group of claims revealing IP anomalies with promising copper potential and producing clear drill targets for future exploration.

·      Finally, there is further copper potential at the Tun Claim Group.


A major copper project is too large an undertaking for a company of Great Western's size and so a larger partner is being sought.  Although no firm decision has been made, Great Western may restart a limited drill programme to demonstrate the potential for resource expansion at M2, as well as reviewing exploration opportunities at the other claim groups to provide a broader base of copper potential for an incoming industry partner.


Reclamation work

The Company has undertaken significant reclamation work at Rock House, the OMCO Mine, the M2 Project and Sharktooth to ensure that regulatory commitments are met and to release permitted acreage ready for further drilling activity in 2023.  Submissions relating to the reclamation work have been made to regulatory authorities and the process is expected to be completed in 2023.


Summary of 2022 Work Programme

·      Drilling at Rock House, Olympic (including OMCO and Trafalgar Hill) and Mineral Jackpot, resulting in high grade intercepts in unmined portions of the OMCO vein and at Mineral Jackpot.

·      Hill-cut chip sampling at M4.


Looking Forward

Great Western's plans for 2023 are to follow up on the high-grade intercepts at Mineral Jackpot and the OMCO vein and to focus on planning, constructing and operating the proposed process mill with the objective of transitioning from pure exploration focus to a combination of exploration and commercial production.


In addition to these main objectives, a diverse slate of field exploration activities is planned as a low-cost high-impact method of improving prospects and targets in the company's pipeline.



Consolidated Income Statement

For the year ended 31 December 2022







Continuing operations




Administrative expenses





Finance income





Loss for the year before tax








Income tax expense






Loss for the financial year









Loss attributable to:




Equity holders of the Company













Loss per share from continuing operations




Basic and diluted loss per share (cent)










All activities are derived from continuing operations. All losses are attributable to the owners of the Company.




Consolidated Statement of Other Comprehensive Income

For the year ended 31 December 2022







Loss for the financial year





Other comprehensive income


Items that are or may be reclassified to profit or loss:


Currency translation differences






Total comprehensive expense for the financial year


attributable to equity holders of the Company





Consolidated Statement of Financial Position

For the year ended 31 December 2022










Non-current assets




Property, plant and equipment





Intangible assets





Total non-current assets








Current assets




Trade and other receivables





Cash and cash equivalents





Total current assets









Total assets

















Capital and reserves




Share capital





Share premium





Share based payment reserve





Foreign currency translation reserve





Retained earnings





Attributable to owners of the Company








Total equity

















Current liabilities




Trade and other payables





Decommissioning provision





Share warrant provision





Total current liabilities








Total liabilities









Total equity and liabilities







Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the year ended 31 December 2022







Share based payment reserve








Balance at 1 January 2021







Total comprehensive income

Loss for the year







Currency translation differences







Total comprehensive income for the year







Transactions with owners, recorded directly in equity

Shares issued







Share warrants granted on

Issue of shares







Share warrants exercised







Share warrants terminated







Share options exercised







Share options terminated







Share options charge







Total transactions with owners, recorded directly in








Balance at 31 December 2021







Total comprehensive income

Loss for the year







Currency translation differences







Total comprehensive income

for the year







Transactions with owners, recorded directly in equity

Share warrants terminated







Share options charge







Total transactions with owners, recorded directly

in equity







Balance at 31 December 2022









Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

For the year ended 31 December 2022







Cash flows from operating activities




Loss for the year









Adjustments for:









Interest receivable and similar income





Increase in trade and other receivables





Decrease in trade and other payables





Gain on revaluation of share warrants





Equity settled share-based payment





Net cash flows from operating activities









Cash flow from investing activities




Expenditure on intangible assets





Interest received





Net cash from investing activities









Cash flow from financing activities




Proceeds from the issue of new shares





Proceeds from grant of warrants





Commission paid from the issue of new shares





Net cash from financing activities








Decrease in cash and cash equivalents





Exchange rate adjustment on cash and cash equivalents





Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year





Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year







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