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Aptamer Group PLC Market & Company News

28.01.2025 14:56APTAIssue of Equity in lieu of Director feesRNS
28.01.2025 07:00APTAHalf Year Trading UpdateRNS
13.01.2025 11:40APTANotification of dealings by a director/PDMRRNS
03.01.2025 12:02APTAAptamer signs development contract with biopharmaceutical firmAlliance
30.12.2024 07:00APTAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
19.12.2024 16:44APTANotification of dealings by a director/PDMRRNS
19.12.2024 07:00APTANew Development ContractRNS
18.12.2024 10:53APTATR-1: Standard form notification of major holdingsRNS
16.12.2024 11:28APTANotification of dealings by a director/PDMRRNS
10.12.2024 12:54APTA, VCP, HTWSDIRECTOR DEALINGS: Helios Towers director buys GBP200,000 in sharesAlliance
06.12.2024 07:00APTANew Scientific Advisory Board MembersRNS
05.12.2024 19:52SURE, CLC, EMVCEARNINGS AND TRADING: Synectics deal wins; TruFin to beat expectationsAlliance
05.12.2024 07:00APTATechnical UpdateRNS
04.12.2024 07:00APTAInvestor WebinarReach
29.11.2024 11:05APTAResults of 2024 Annual General MeetingRNS
29.11.2024 07:00APTAAGM StatementRNS
22.11.2024 11:35SLP, MSMN, EUZUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
07.11.2024 10:46FADL, APTA, DSWAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Fadel lowers forecasts on contract setbacksAlliance
07.11.2024 07:00APTAAgreement extended with genetic medicines customerRNS
06.11.2024 07:00APTACommercial Trading UpdateRNS
05.11.2024 07:00APTAPosting of Annual Report and Notice of AGMRNS
22.10.2024 07:00APTAFull Year Results for the 12mths to 30 June 2024RNS
17.10.2024 07:00APTANotice of Results and Investor PresentationRNS
16.09.2024 07:00APTADirector AppointmentRNS
03.09.2024 11:05ULVR, APTAAptamer Group extends Optimer development contract with UnileverAlliance
03.09.2024 07:00APTAAptamer extends contract with UnileverRNS
27.08.2024 07:00APTABlock listing Interim ReviewRNS
20.08.2024 14:26APTAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
16.08.2024 13:04APTATR-1: Standard form notification of major holdingsRNS
14.08.2024 11:34APTATR-1: Standard form notification of major holdingsRNS
13.08.2024 12:57APTAResult of General Meeting and Board ChangesRNS
06.08.2024 14:33TEP, SKA, CMLUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
01.08.2024 16:33APTASupplementary Conditional Placing for £60,000RNS
24.07.2024 18:11APTAPosting of Circular and Notice of General MeetingRNS
24.07.2024 12:37APTAFundraise to Raise £2.83 millionRNS
08.07.2024 10:55ULVR, APTAAptamer says annual revenue halves but hails progress with UnileverAlliance
08.07.2024 07:05APTAUpdate on progress in Unilever partnershipRNS
08.07.2024 07:00APTATrading UpdateRNS
03.07.2024 10:44ECR, APTA, PYCAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Aptamer rises on AstraZeneca contractAlliance
03.07.2024 09:57AZN, APTAAptamer shares jump as inks agreement with AstraZenecaAlliance
03.07.2024 07:00APTAAgreement to explore Optimer vehicles for siRNARNS
24.06.2024 11:48APTAAptamer shares rise as inks two new contracts worth GBP235,000Alliance
24.06.2024 07:00APTANew Contracts Announcement for Optimer DevelopmentRNS
14.06.2024 07:00APTAPartnership with Microsaic SystemsRNS
31.05.2024 16:06APTAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
28.05.2024 09:05APTAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
23.05.2024 14:56BMY, BMS, APTATRADING UPDATES: Bloomsbury books profit jump; Braemar profit slipsAlliance
23.05.2024 07:00APTANew contracts with top ten pharma partnersRNS
22.05.2024 12:24APTAAptamer shares up on GBP465,000 cervical cancer contract with TimserAlliance
22.05.2024 07:00APTAAptamer and Timser PartnershipRNS
13.05.2024 13:19ULVR, APTAAptamer says sales pipeline "strong" as reports strategic headwayAlliance
13.05.2024 07:45APTATrading UpdateRNS
25.04.2024 15:45APTAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
24.04.2024 08:45APTAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
23.04.2024 14:03APTAHolding(s) in Company - REPLACEMENTRNS
22.04.2024 20:03TPOU, MHN, CCLEARNINGS AND TRADING: Zenova's Kitemark award; Carnival's eyes savingsAlliance
22.04.2024 16:37APTAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
22.04.2024 07:00APTATop Pharma Company evaluates Optimer for medicineRNS
18.04.2024 11:54APTAAptamer inks new Optimer+ transplant rejection therapy partnershipAlliance
18.04.2024 10:06APTATR-1: Notification of major holdingsRNS
18.04.2024 07:00APTAAptamer and Kairos Biotech partner for Optimer+RNS
08.04.2024 14:27ULVR, APTAAptamer submits patent application for Optimer bindersAlliance
08.04.2024 07:00APTAPatent submission for Optimer® bindersRNS
28.03.2024 14:07APTAHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
28.03.2024 12:29ARBB, APTA, GSCEARNINGS AND TRADING: Arbuthnot ups payout as profit more than doublesAlliance
28.03.2024 07:00APTAInterim ResultsRNS
22.03.2024 07:00APTANotice of Interim Results & Investor PresentationRNS
14.03.2024 07:00APTAInvestor WebinarReach
11.03.2024 11:08APTA, ULVRAptamer shares jump on successful Unilever contract progressionAlliance
11.03.2024 07:00APTAAptamer Progresses Partnership with UnileverRNS
29.02.2024 07:00APTABlock Listing Interim ReviewRNS
27.02.2024 14:27APTAAptamer says new Optimer+ delivers improved resultsAlliance
27.02.2024 07:00APTAR&D progress on new Optimer®+ platformRNS
22.02.2024 13:21APTAAptamer and Neuro-Bio begin Alzheimer's test development second phaseAlliance
22.02.2024 07:00APTASecond Phase of Alzheimer's test with Neuro-BioRNS
Showing 1 to 75 of 186