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Predator Oil & Gas Holdings PLC Market & Company News

29.11.2024 07:00PRDTotal Voting RightsRNS
06.11.2024 14:35PRDHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
04.11.2024 15:45PRDPlacing with Institutional InvestorRNS
31.10.2024 07:00PRDTotal Voting RightsRNS
02.10.2024 15:14PRDIssuance of Share Options & Lapse of Share OptionsRNS
30.09.2024 07:00PRDHelium potential MOU-5 prospect at GuercifRNS
26.09.2024 07:00PRDAppointment of NED ChairmanRNS
25.09.2024 18:52DLAR, GDWN, TEKEARNINGS AND TRADING: Indus Gas in supply strife; Caspian profit downAlliance
25.09.2024 07:00PRDInterim Results for the period ending 30 June 2024RNS
17.09.2024 07:00PRDCorporate UpdateRNS
16.09.2024 07:02PRDBoard Re-organisationRNS
08.08.2024 07:00PRDUpdate on MOU-5 drilling plans & Helium potentialRNS
07.08.2024 07:00PRDRigless testing updateRNS
28.06.2024 07:00PRDTotal Voting RightsRNS
26.06.2024 07:00PRDExercise of Broker WarrantsRNS
06.06.2024 07:00PRDCorporate UpdateRNS
16.05.2024 10:57PRDResult of Annual General MeetingRNS
01.05.2024 21:46PRDPredator Oil begins preparations for Sandjet rigless testing programmeAlliance
01.05.2024 07:00PRDRatification of Guercif Petroleum AgreementRNS
18.04.2024 07:00PRDIssuance and Lapse of Share OptionsRNS
12.04.2024 07:00PRDNotice of AGM and Posting of CircularRNS
10.04.2024 13:46PRDPredator Oil loss widens amid increase in activity in MoroccoAlliance
10.04.2024 07:00PRDFinancial Statements Year Ended 31 December 2023RNS
14.03.2024 07:00PRDCorporate Presentation UpdateRNS
20.02.2024 13:35PRDPredator Oil & Gas down after facing formation damage at Moroccan siteAlliance
20.02.2024 07:00PRDPhase 1 Rigless Testing UpdateRNS
05.02.2024 17:35AVON, CVCG, CHARTRADING UPDATES: Gaming Realms expects to report annual revenue boostAlliance
05.02.2024 07:00PRDExtension of 2022 Star Valley Rig 101 ContractRNS
26.01.2024 13:36PRDIN BRIEF: Predator O&G to begins rigless testing in Morocco next weekAlliance
26.01.2024 07:01PRDCorporate UpdateRNS
26.01.2024 07:00PRDExpected date commencement rigless testingRNS
12.01.2024 09:54PRDPredator Oil expects profit boost from well workoversAlliance
12.01.2024 07:00PRDOperations Update and 2024 Forward Work ProgrammeRNS
29.12.2023 07:00PRDTotal Voting RightsRNS
06.12.2023 11:28PRDPDMR NotificationsRNS
06.12.2023 07:00PRDPDMR NotificationsRNS
01.12.2023 13:33PRDIssue of Shares to Executive DirectorsRNS
30.11.2023 11:25PRDPredator Oil says exploration permit extension unexpectedly delayedAlliance
30.11.2023 07:00PRDUpdate on Guercif testing Morocco and TrinidadRNS
30.11.2023 07:00PRDMemorandum of Understanding with Afriquia Gaz S.A.RNS
07.11.2023 18:11CEG, ALL, YOUTRADING UPDATES: Actual Experience appoints administratorsAlliance
07.11.2023 07:00PRDCompletion T-Rex Resources Cory Moruga acquisitionRNS
16.10.2023 16:52PRDPDMR NotificationsRNS
16.10.2023 16:34PRDPDMR NotificationsRNS
13.10.2023 07:00PRDIssuance of Share OptionsRNS
05.10.2023 13:49PRDPredator Oil opens discussions to sell gas from Guercif well-headAlliance
19.09.2023 19:44PRDIN BRIEF: Predator Oil & Gas loss widens as administrative costs jumpAlliance
19.09.2023 10:45PRDReport and Interim Financial StatementsRNS
11.09.2023 11:30PRDIN BRIEF: Predator Oil & Gas operations not affected by Morocco quakeAlliance
11.09.2023 07:00PRDMoroccan EarthquakeRNS
31.08.2023 09:42PRDTotal Voting RightsRNS
30.08.2023 12:18CEG, PRDPredator Oil & Gas "active on three fronts" as updates on operationsAlliance
30.08.2023 07:00PRDOperations UpdateRNS
17.08.2023 08:03PRDPDMR NotificationsRNS
16.08.2023 16:08PRDNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
16.08.2023 16:02PRDPDMR NotificationsRNS
15.08.2023 07:00PRDAdmission of SharesRNS
10.08.2023 12:08PRDPublication of a ProspectusRNS
01.08.2023 14:17PRDIN BRIEF: Predator Oil raises GBP10 million for rigless testing workAlliance
01.08.2023 07:00PRDResult of the PlacingRNS
31.07.2023 17:37PRD, TENTTRADING UPDATES: Predator Oil plans fundraise for rigless testing workAlliance
31.07.2023 16:35PRDProposed Placing to raise a minimum of £7millionRNS
13.07.2023 12:02PRDIN BRIEF: Predator says gas reservoir at MOU-4 likely; shares soarAlliance
13.07.2023 07:00PRDMOU-4 UpdateRNS
11.07.2023 11:43PRDCORRECT: Predator Oil & Gas sees shares fall on well data analysisAlliance
11.07.2023 11:14PRDPredator Oil & Gas sees shares fall on poor well test resultsAlliance
11.07.2023 07:00PRDCompletion of MOU-4 drilling and loggingRNS
04.07.2023 13:32PRDIN BRIEF: Predator Oil & Gas begins drilling at MOU-4 well in MoroccoAlliance
04.07.2023 07:00PRDMOU-4 Commencement of DrillingRNS
03.07.2023 11:31PRDPDMR NotificationsRNS
03.07.2023 11:00PRDPDMR NotificationRNS
03.07.2023 08:57PRDNotification of Major HoldingsRNS
03.07.2023 08:52PRDPDMR NotificationsRNS
28.06.2023 14:51PRDIN BRIEF: Predator Oil & Gas execs sell shares to give loan to companyAlliance
28.06.2023 07:00PRDLoan of Net Proceeds of Directors Share SalesRNS
Showing 1 to 75 of 357