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Spectris PLC Market & Company News

10.01.2025 15:50SXSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
07.01.2025 10:13SXSChange of Registered OfficeRNS
06.01.2025 09:21WPP, ANTO, RIOLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Barratt and Persimmon raised but Berkeley cutAlliance
02.01.2025 13:42SXSTotal Voting RightsRNS
23.12.2024 14:53SXSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
02.12.2024 12:17SXSTotal Voting RightsRNS
02.12.2024 12:14SXSCompletion of the acquisition of PiezocrystRNS
29.11.2024 09:46BRK, VIC, NICLLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Berenberg starts M&S at 'hold', Next at 'buy'Alliance
21.11.2024 09:44ONT, LIO, ATGLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Jefferies starts Auction Tech at 'underperform'Alliance
20.11.2024 14:02SXSDirector DeclarationRNS
15.11.2024 11:04SXS, AZN, TRIGDIRECTOR DEALINGS: AstraZeneca CEO Soriot buys GBP2 million in sharesAlliance
15.11.2024 10:25SXSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
13.11.2024 09:33FLTR, CRE, SXSLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Deutsche Bank raises Ibstock to 'buy'Alliance
12.11.2024 15:19SXSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
11.11.2024 13:49SXSIN BRIEF: Spectris secures USD400 million long-term financingAlliance
11.11.2024 13:01SXS$400m US Private PlacementRNS
11.11.2024 12:49SXSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
08.11.2024 12:08SXSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
08.11.2024 11:31HSX, FRAS, CREDIRECTOR DEALINGS: Ashley pledges Frasers shares; Hiscox chiefs buyAlliance
06.11.2024 07:00SXSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
04.11.2024 09:34YOU, SXS, AJBLONDON BROKER RATINGS: RBC cuts 3i, Bernstein cuts ReckittAlliance
01.11.2024 13:26WIX, UTL, SHIPUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
01.11.2024 09:43LIO, SYNT, ASCLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Deutsche cuts Smith & Nephew; Shore lifts AsosAlliance
01.11.2024 09:39SXSTotal Voting RightsRNS
31.10.2024 10:45SXSSpectris sales decline following tough third-quarterAlliance
31.10.2024 07:00SXSQ3 Trading StatementRNS
24.10.2024 14:22SXS, ZTF, SHELUK earnings, trading statements calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
10.10.2024 11:30SXSHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
08.10.2024 16:36SXSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
07.10.2024 15:06SXSHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
02.10.2024 18:02SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
02.10.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
01.10.2024 12:16SXSTotal Voting RightsRNS
01.10.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
30.09.2024 09:58FEVR, ABDP, ADT1LONDON BROKER RATINGS: Barclays cuts Smiths Group to 'equal weight' Alliance
30.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
27.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
26.09.2024 15:50HSS, ASY, AAEVUK dividends calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
26.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
25.09.2024 16:13SXSHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
25.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
24.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
23.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
20.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
19.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
18.09.2024 09:50KGF, WTB, IHGLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Goldman Sachs likes Aviva, cuts Phoenix GroupAlliance
18.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
17.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
16.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
13.09.2024 09:07PAF, ATM, FEVRLONDON BROKER RATINGS: Deutsche Bank cuts AstraZeneca to 'sell'Alliance
12.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
11.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
10.09.2024 18:13SXSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
10.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
09.09.2024 15:22SXSDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
09.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
06.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
05.09.2024 09:49SXSSpectris enhances offering with EUR134 million Piezocryst acquisitionAlliance
05.09.2024 07:00SXSAcquisition of Piezocryst Advanced Sensorics GmbHRNS
05.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
04.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
03.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
02.09.2024 10:40SXSTotal Voting RightsRNS
02.09.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
29.08.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
28.08.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
27.08.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
23.08.2024 14:35SXSCompletion of the acquisition of MicromeriticsRNS
23.08.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
22.08.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
21.08.2024 17:16SXSCompletion of the Acquisition of SciAps Inc.RNS
21.08.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
20.08.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
19.08.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
16.08.2024 07:00SXSTransaction in Own SharesRNS
Showing 1 to 75 of 947