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Fusion Antibodies PLC Market & Company News

04.12.2024 12:18FABFusion Antibodies receives approval of grant funding applicationAlliance
04.12.2024 11:31FABApproval of Grant Funding ApplicationRNS
19.11.2024 13:10FABFusion Antibodies interim loss narrows as revenue more than doublesAlliance
16.10.2024 13:23FABDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
16.10.2024 07:00FABIssue of shares to non-executive directorsRNS
08.10.2024 13:58FABIN BRIEF: Fusion Antibodies expects interim revenue to doubleAlliance
08.10.2024 12:32FABResult of AGMRNS
08.10.2024 07:00FABAGM statement and trading updateRNS
02.10.2024 07:00FABBlock admission six monthly returnRNS
01.10.2024 15:33LGRS, FABUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
12.09.2024 09:54FABNotice of AGMRNS
09.09.2024 12:35FABDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
09.09.2024 07:00FABInvestor presentationReach
05.09.2024 12:15FABDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
05.09.2024 07:00FABFinal ResultsRNS
28.08.2024 13:52FABFusion Antibodies expands agreement with National Cancer InstituteAlliance
28.08.2024 11:12TYM, AQX, FABAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Aquis expects GBP1 million hit on contract lossAlliance
28.08.2024 07:00FABExpansion to OptiMAL collaboration agreementReach
22.07.2024 12:54FABDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
18.07.2024 07:00FABLaunch of New Interactive Investor HubReach
04.07.2024 13:33ECOB, REE, FABTRADING UPDATES: itim signs contract; Tekmar renews banking facilitiesAlliance
04.07.2024 07:00FABTrading updateRNS
23.05.2024 21:08CEL, AET, PHARTRADING UPDATES: Celadon ships to US; Oxford BioDynamics-Goodbody pactAlliance
23.05.2024 07:00FABNew contract with existing clientRNS
02.05.2024 07:00FABInvestor presentationReach
30.04.2024 19:54TAND, IGE, CHLEARNINGS AND TRADING: Software Circle & Beximco report higher revenueAlliance
30.04.2024 07:00FABYear-end trading statementRNS
16.04.2024 07:00FABChange of auditorRNS
15.04.2024 13:29FABFusion Antibodies inks commercial contract for OptiPhage library Alliance
15.04.2024 07:00FABContract to develop a bespoke OptiPhage libraryRNS
02.04.2024 14:34FABBlock admission six monthly returnRNS
28.03.2024 17:00FABTotal Voting RightsRNS
11.03.2024 15:04FABHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
11.03.2024 09:10FABHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
08.03.2024 15:09FABHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
05.03.2024 10:40FABResult of General Meeting and Total Voting RightsRNS
29.02.2024 17:00FABTotal Voting RightsRNS
27.02.2024 14:18CDL, DXRX, UOGTRADING UPDATES: Sondrel wins USD23 million contractAlliance
27.02.2024 07:00FABFirst purchase order under MSARNS
14.02.2024 11:27FABIN BRIEF: Fusion Antibodies raises GBP1.4 million via placingAlliance
14.02.2024 07:15FABGrant of options and issue of shares to directorsRNS
14.02.2024 07:00FABPlacing to raise £1,375,000RNS
06.02.2024 11:48FABFusion Antibodies strikes follow-on research and development projectAlliance
06.02.2024 10:05PCIP, FAB, BKSAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Beeks Financial Cloud is ahead of expectationsAlliance
01.02.2024 12:00FABFusion Antibodies gets tax credit from UK HMRC for OptiMAL platformAlliance
04.12.2023 12:26FABDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
04.12.2023 10:23FAB, DEMGAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Cornerstone FS to beat 2023 expectationsAlliance
04.12.2023 10:22FABFusion Antibodies shares fall with revenue despite "positive" outlookAlliance
04.12.2023 07:00FABHalf-year ReportRNS
28.11.2023 12:09FABFusion Antibodies shares up on deal with US National Cancer InstituteAlliance
28.11.2023 10:33SUP, TLY, FABAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Totally swings to half-year loss on NHS blowAlliance
28.11.2023 07:00FABOptiMAL collaboration agreementRNS
09.11.2023 12:54GENL, KDNC, EMHEARNINGS AND TRADING: Wincanton profit down; James Cropper ups payoutAlliance
09.11.2023 07:00FABHalf year trading updateRNS
27.10.2023 11:57FABResult of AGMRNS
04.10.2023 14:45FABBlock admission six monthly returnRNS
29.09.2023 21:19KEN, FAB, CPXEARNINGS: Tan Delta revenue jumps; Kendrick Resources loss widensAlliance
29.09.2023 07:00FABFinal ResultsRNS
29.08.2023 07:00FABUpdate on AI/ML-Ab service offeringRNS
24.08.2023 12:10FABIN BRIEF: Fusion Antibodies appoints part-time CFO on cash strugglesAlliance
24.08.2023 07:00FABAppointment of interim CFORNS
21.08.2023 10:29FABAIM WINNERS & LOSERS: Fulcrum Utility to leave AIM as loss widensAlliance
21.08.2023 09:35FABFusion Antibodies inks deal with AI learning firm, hails lower costsAlliance
21.08.2023 07:00FABUpdate on AI/ML-Ab™ antibody discovery serviceRNS
14.08.2023 08:41FABFusion Antibodies completes "difficult" restructuring Alliance
14.08.2023 07:00FABUpdate on restructure and cost savingsRNS
30.06.2023 17:00FABTotal Voting RightsRNS
16.06.2023 10:09FABHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
15.06.2023 09:45FABHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
13.06.2023 14:44FABHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
12.06.2023 15:34FABHolding(s) in CompanyRNS
12.06.2023 11:02FABDirector/PDMR ShareholdingRNS
08.06.2023 10:39FABResult of GM and total voting rightsRNS
01.06.2023 15:52EGY, RENX, PALMUK shareholder meetings calendar - next 7 daysAlliance
31.05.2023 17:00FABTotal Voting RightsRNS
Showing 1 to 75 of 187